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Chrome switch hook for 554 wall phones

$6.95 +$4.80 Shipping

Part #ET-HS1

Chrome switch hook for 2554 wall phones

$6.95 + $4.80 Shipping

Part #ET-HS2

Kellogg 1000 "Red Bar" hook switch

$4.95 +$4.80 shipping

Part #ET-HK3

Polished hook switch plungers - 2 each


$3.00 + $4.80 Shipping

Western Electric 4-wire condenser

$7.95 + $4.80 shipping


Cord stays - 3 pair

$3.95 + $4.80 shipping

Part #ET-CS

Dial Adapter and Screws for the North Electric 7H6 "Galion"



Butt set belt clip

$4.95 + $4.80 shipping

Part #ET-BSC

10- 4x4 crimp on modular plugs (handset)

$3.95 + $4.80 shipping

Part #ET-4X4

10- 4x6 crimp on modular plugs (Line cord)

$3.95 + 4.80 shipping

Part #ET-4X6